Saturday, July 20, 2013

Window love

Our builder installed a lot of crown molding and column trim, and they put in pretty door casings, but they only put sills and aprons on the windows.

I have been dying to try to install trim, but it seemed pretty tricky.  And then all of a sudden, there were two posts I found that explained how to do it - serendipity!  This is great because I am convinced that I won't like any window treatments on the five windows around my kitchen table unless they are trimmed out. 

The first post is by a Ronda from Batchelors Way when she guest posted on Sandra's great blog Sawdust Girl which you can see  here - did you follow that?  Also, Family Handyman had a great method for measuring here.

I decided to try it on a big empty box looking window that is an eyesore in our foyer. It isn't even close to square and is wavy on the left hand side.

Not a great picture, but I think you get the idea.  I measured and bought just enough pre-primed molding to do the window with a little bit left over.  Big. Mistake.  Here are some pictures of the window progress and why not buying extra was not the best idea.

Then I used the marking method for measuring all the way around.  If you really squint (or click on the picture), you can see the pencil mark on the wall and on the trim.

I got all the way around and realized that I had made a bigggggg mistake! I had forgotten on my first cut that I couldn't just extend the pencil mark in a straight line from the skinny trim side to the top and cut it there because the trim is cut at an angle.  Does that make sense?  The pencil mark was the innermost corner, so I should have extended the mark at a 45 degree angle out.  This left me with a gap.  A big gap.  A non try to fake it with caulk gap.

This shows what I did wrong:

The right thing to do would be to go buy more and install it correctly, but it was raining and a tropical storm was on its way.  It might be 2 days before I could get to the store.  I couldn't bear the thought of this little project being put off when I have so many others I was working on, so I really broke the rules.  (Trim professionals, this would be a good time to look away.)

I cut a piece of molding and glued it into the space.  I know, I know... I couldn't help myself!

Here is the corner after caulking...  It is sooo hard to see it, and fortunately, it is in the lower bottom corner.  Whew!  I DO NOT recommend doing this.  Unless you have a tropical storm coming your way.

And here is the painted window trim...

And here is another view...

I love love love it!!  I have such a ridiculous case of window love!  Now if I can just decide whether to do a stair rail or board and batten up the steps, I can get the wall painted.  Yay!
You may be able to spot the picture of a great board and batten from Better After.  (The person who did the great b & b didn't have a blog or I would link to it.)

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